neuroexperiential therapies
Ben offers therapeutic Brainspotting and Deep Brain Reorienting (DBR) sessions, utilising mindful processing techniques to support safe and effective healing of psychological injuries and harness untapped potential.
Deep Brain Reorienting (DBR) is a recent therapeutic development created by Scottish psychiatrist, Dr Frank Corrigan, DBR has been demonstarted to effectively release leftover shock energy in the nervous system and support the re-wiring of key neural networks to aid recovery from the impacts of traumatic experiences.
Brainspotting is understood to work by "identifying, processing and releasing core neurophysiological sources of emotional/body pain, trauma, dissociation and a variety of other challenging symptoms" (brainspotting.com).
It was discovered when psychotherapist Dr David Grand (PhD), was working with an elite figure skater struggling with a career limiting performance block. After a year of using an established approach (EMDR), Dr Grand chanced upon a significant variation, triggering an unexpectedly powerful effect. This included the rapid processing of historical trauma and an end to the previously long established block.
Both Brainspotting and DBR have developed and spread around the globe, with applications across human experience, helping to resolve difficulties at their base, aiding the brain to heal and transform itself.
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